Participant Inc, 253 E Houston St # 1, New York, NY
GLQ Issue Launch: The Queer Commons, as part of A new job to unwork at
A reading to celebrate the publication of GLQ special issue The Queer Commons, co-edited by Gavin Butt and Nadja Millner-Larsen. Participants will share short excerpts from their contributions and the archives of queer commoning that their work draws upon. Material will be presented from the archives of Wages Due Lesbians and Black Women for Wages for Housework, Act Up's needle exchange initiatives, the queer organizing efforts at Istanbul's Gezi Park, the sexual undercommons of New York's legendary Clit Club. Featuring Ashon Crawley, Christina Hanhardt, Evren Savic, Arlen Austin, Clit Club contributors (including Julie Tolentino).