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Third Annual Curating Performance Symposium: Curation as Collaboration

NYU TIsch, Michelson Theater, 721 Broadway, 6th Floor, New York, NY

4.55pm – 6.25pm PANEL: Institutions, Critique, and (their) Performance. Adrienne Edwards, Tara Willis, Vivian Crockett, Jay Wegman. Moderator: Malik Gaines

How do artists and curators, collaborate with one another, but also with different institutions and communities in the making of performance-oriented curatorial projects? How do curators and artists work together in co-imagining modes of display, presentation, and performance for both existing and new works? In which ways do the curatorial act and the artistic act respond to each other’s specificity (or fail to do so!), when curating performance? How performance and curation as dialogical practices may not only re-shape ideas and acts of collaboration, but also of participation and curatorial care? An international and multidisciplinary group of scholars, artists and curators from Singapore, Brazil, Canada, the UK, and the US will gather throughout the day to discuss collaborative practices across the arts. 

[ Image credit: Jaime Acioli, (Eleonora Fabião Azul Azul Azul Azul: Bispo do Rosário Museum, 2016)]