IFC Center: 323 6th Avenue, New York, NY
Major Motoko Kusanagi is a cyborg living in the fictional Japanese city of Niihama, circa 2029. As commander of a task force in search of hackers overtaking the cyberbrains of cyborg-human hybrids, she is made to confront her own identity and alienation. For video and performance artist Elektra KB, GHOST IN THE SHELL presents “technological possibilities for some disabled humans, that, like me, fantasize often about getting a functional robot body.” In Elektra’s words, the film prompts us to “think of speculative trans-feminist technologies while showing elements of a radically tender, liberatory future in an AI cybernetic-dysphoria-hacking cyberpunk world.”
Presented as part of Queer|Art|Film: Chicas y Fantasmas, a special season curated by Vivian Crockett, Camilo Godoy and Carlos Motta